Another ChookeNZ page update

August 19, 2009 § Leave a comment

Continuing the (early) spring spruce-up of ChookeNZ, we’re pleased to announce that The Egg Pages have been updated for the first time since December last year.


A pullet double-yolker in the pan

Four more double yolkers have been recorded; Ella’s 26 consecutive days laying feat given its due recognition; and nearly 500 more eggs added to the chooks’ totals.

On that subject:

The total number of eggs our various chooks have laid (while resident in the ChookeNZ backyard) is 1987, which is 165.6 dozen.

If they were all packed into half-dozen egg cartons and stacked up, the pile would be 23 m tall – nearly as high a a 9-storey building (see Note 1).

If all those eggs were laid placed end-to-end the line would be 119 m long – which would take Usain Bolt about 11.4 seconds to run past on current form (see Note 2).

Amazing, innit?!


Note 1: Assuming 8.5 ft (2.6 m) floor spacing.

Note 2: Based on 9.58 seconds for 100 m (August 2009). Actually he’d be faster than this as his average speed is increasing substantially all the way to the end of the race.

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